Index register a click listener add a keyDownListener add a key press Listener add a keyUpListener register an onload listner register a mouse down listener register a mouse up listener register a move listener Converts a decimal number to a hex value Takes an error object and gives a bit more description. Gets the key code from an event i.e. Gets the key from an event i.e. Function to write out all the files to be included looks at a string and guesses if its a true or false value
Lets any one who cares knows that this library version was loaded Used mostly by the console, this runs a command and writes the output to standard out This function writes a log line to standard err (often an alert box) This function writes a log line to standard out (often an alert box if the console is off) Wrapper function to fill in the mouse object with the current coordinates. Escapes the basic bad xml characters from a string Basic log. the default new line character to add to strings made by the system (default [br]) Author: Scott Severtson boolean for is opera Used to load a properies file from a string Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson default console prompt Returns an enumeration of all the keys in this property list, including distinct keys in the default property list if a key of the same name has not already been found from the main properties list. Author: Scott Severtson adds a name value pair Do a quick sort on an array. library version Changes the output of the error log to go to the predefined area (see the Log constants) the library version mostly used internally. Factory to create a remoting object in a non-browser specific way (mostly) This provides a wrapper for RemoteObjectFactory that accepts a listener/event handler to be registered that will be called when the object is ready. Removes the first occurrence in this list of the specified element (optional operation). Removes the first occurrence in this map of the specified key Removes the element at the specified position in this list (optional operation). Removes the element at the specified position in this list (optional operation). Removes a cookie (sets the expires to the past really) Author: Scott Severtson This method needs to be set to run on page load. Make a simple tool bar to control the record and play back Clear the replay items array. Dump all the currently saved actions to the log This is a system generated callback. Replay the items displaying the time stamp this is where the replay commands are stored. This is a system generated callback. helper function called from replay_ElementFilled Call this function when you wish to begin recording client input Call this function when you wish to stop recording client input gets a time stamp does a printable (log or alert) string of what the sniffer thinks the current browser is |