Function Index Returns the element at the specified position in this list. Gets a value from a key Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson clip height of the element clip width of the element Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson gets a value from the current cookie shows a displayable string for the browser (best guess) height of the element get an instace of the http connect object this actually just creates either an MS or Gecko type object. Gets an instance of an XML document that tries to have the same w3c functions for all browsers currently IE, Mozilla, and Safari gets all the keys from this map as an array left position of the element Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson gets the minor version (currently broken) Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson name after an object is unmarshaled this function can be used to get the object obj name Gets the value from the properites by key. Author: Scott Severtson generate new random number Added by SU, December 2004 left scroll position of the window top scroll position of the window obj Author: Scott Severtson top position of the element Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson width of the element height of the window width of the window ease-out animation, callback function optional try to break apart the soap message and get it to the proper place. Used when in a widget ... Used when in a widget ... hide the visibility of the element Returns the index in this list of the first occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if this list does not contain this element. Returns the index the key or -1 if this map does not contain the key Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson Write an info line to the log Start up the log object and make sure any supporting items are created a new window for example. Returns true if this list contains no elements. Author: Scott Severtson Author: mi ke@idle .org record key presses evt The listener function is a bit odd as when it registers with the system it kind of breaks off of this object so we loose all communication with it thats why some of the vars are a bit strange. Returns the index in this list of the last occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if this list does not contain this element. Author: Scott Severtson
record mouse movements move the element to a new position relative to it’s current position move the element to a new position register a click listener add a keyDownListener add a key press Listener add a keyUpListener register an onload listner register a mouse down listener register a mouse up listener register a move listener Converts a decimal number to a hex value Takes an error object and gives a bit more description. Gets the key code from an event i.e. Gets the key from an event i.e. Function to write out all the files to be included looks at a string and guesses if its a true or false value
Lets any one who cares knows that this library version was loaded Used mostly by the console, this runs a command and writes the output to standard out This function writes a log line to standard err (often an alert box) This function writes a log line to standard out (often an alert box if the console is off) Wrapper function to fill in the mouse object with the current coordinates. Escapes the basic bad xml characters from a string Author: Scott Severtson Used to load a properies file from a string Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson Author: Scott Severtson Returns an enumeration of all the keys in this property list, including distinct keys in the default property list if a key of the same name has not already been found from the main properties list. Author: Scott Severtson adds a name value pair |